Page:Small Motorised Vehicles (Safety) Act 2020.pdf/7

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“vessel” includes any ship or boat or other description of vessel used in navigation on water.

(2) Unless expressly provided otherwise in this Act, any word or expression in this Act that is defined in section 2(1) of the Active Mobility Act 2017 (Act 3 of 2017) has the meaning given to it by that section.

(3) For the purposes of this Act, any notice or other document that is required by or under this Act to be sent or given to the Authority is taken to be sent or given only when it is actually received by the Authority.

Purposes of Act

3. The purposes of this Act are to provide consumers in Singapore with a choice of small motorised vehicles that meet safety standards and that are able to make use of technological advancements by—

(a) prohibiting the import into Singapore of small motorised vehicles that do not comply with vehicle standards (except in limited circumstances); and
(b) distinguishing those which are non-compliant.

Act binds Government

4.—(1) This Act binds the Government.

(2) However, nothing in this Act—

(a) renders the Government liable to prosecution for an offence under this Act; or
(b) prevents any public officer from exercising his or her powers or carrying out his or her duties under this Act or any other written law.

(3) To avoid doubt, no person is immune from prosecution for any offence under this Act by reason only that the person is engaged to provide services to or on behalf of the Government.