Page:Smithsonian Report (1898).djvu/12

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The Smithsonian Institution—Continued.

  1. Explorations
  2. Publications
  3. Library
  4. Correspondence
  5. International Congresses
  6. Expositions
  7. American Historical Association
  8. Miscellaneous
  9. National Museum
  10. Bureau of American Ethnology
  11. International Exchanges
  12. National Zoological Park
  13. Astrophysical Observatory
  14. Necrology
  15. Appendix I. Eeport on the National Museum 31

    II. Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology 36

    III. Eeport of the Curator of Exchanges 49

    IV. Report of the Superintendent of the National Zoological Park 62 V. Report on the Astropbysical Observatory 69

    VI. Report of the Librarian 75

    VII. Report of the Editor 79

    VIII. Report on the Tennessee Centennial Exposition 90


    Recent Progress accomplished by aid of Photography in the study of the

    Lunar Surface, by MM. Loewy and Puiseux 105

    The Function of Large Telescopes, by George E. Hale 123

    The Le Sage Theory of Gravitation, by M. Le Sage, with Introduction by

    S. P. Langley 139

    The Extreme Infra-Red Radiations, by C. E. Guillaume 161

    The Chemistry of the Stars, by Norman Lockyer 1 67

    The Perception of Light and Color, by George Lechalas - 179

    Some Curiosities of Vision, by Shelford Bidwell 197

    Progress in Color Photography, by G. H. Niewenglowski 209

    The Development of Electrical Science, by Thomas Gray 217

    Telegraphy Across Space, by Silvanus P. Thompson 235

    Signaling Through Space Without Wires, by W. H. Preece 249

    Note on the Liquefaction of Hydrogen and Helium, by James Dewar 259

    The Recently Discovered Gases and Their Relation to the Periodic Law, by

    William Ramsay 267

    The Kinetic Theory of Gases and Some of Its Consequences, by William Ram- say 277

    The Revival of Inorganic Chemistry, by H. N. Stokes 289

    Scientific Ballooning, by John M. Bacon 307

    The Tundras and Steppes of Prehistoric Europe, by James Geikie 321

    Modification of the Great Lakes by Earth Movement, by G. K. Gilbert 349

    The Plan of the Earth and Its Causes, by J. W. Gregory 363

    Funafuti: The Story of a Coral Atoll, by W. J. Sollas 389

    Oceanography, by J. Thoulet 407

    Tha Relation of Plant Physiology to the Other Sciences, by Julius Wiesner.. 427 Pithecanthropus erectus — A Form from the Ancestral Stock of Mankind, by

    Eugene Dubois 445