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Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/26

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Game of Ball

Music by
Edmond Rickett. Op. 25

\new Staff { 
  \time 2/4
  \key f \major \autoBeamOff
  \tempo "Allegretto" 8 = 104
  \relative f'' {
  R2 | R2 | f8^\f c a4 | c8 a f4 |
  g8. c,16 c'8 bes8 | a8 g8 f8 r8 | f'8 c8 a4 |
  c8 a8 f4 | e8. e16 e'8 d8 | c8 b8 a8 r8 |
} }
\addlyrics {
High and low, High and low,
Round -- a -- bout and 'cross they go.
Blue and green,
gold and white,
Toss them true and hold them tight.
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { 
  \time 2/4
  \key f \major
  \relative c'' {
  c8[-.\f \acciaccatura { a'16[ b16] } c8-. c,8-. 
  \acciaccatura {a'16[ b16]} c8]-. |
  \repeat unfold 7 {
    c,8[-. \acciaccatura { a'16[ b16] } c8-. c,8-. 
    \acciaccatura {a'16[ b16]} c8]-. | }
  c,8[-. \acciaccatura {a'16[ b16]} c8]-. r8 
  <f, a d>8-. |
  <e gis c>8-. <d gis b>8-. <c e a>8-. r8
} }
\new Staff { 
  \clef bass
  \key f \major
  \relative f, {
  \repeat unfold 4 {
    f8[-. <c' a'>8-. f,8-. <c' a'>8]-. }
  f,8[ <c' bes'!>8 f,8 <c' bes'>8] |
  f,8[ <c' a'>8 f,8 <c' a'>8] |
  << { r8 <a' c>[ r q] | r <a c>[ r q] } \\
     { f4( e d dis) } >> |
  e8 <a c> <c e> r |
  <e,, e'> q a8 \acciaccatura dis e
} }

[ 2 ]