committed themselves definitely as to future probabilities; and with their opinion authorities generally are in full agreement. To the effect that:
The dances of the seventeenth-century courts are the objective toward which present-day steps are moving directly. They are a part of the curriculum of Miss Chaplin's famous London school. A Gavotte Directoire presented by Madame Pavlowa, one of her most popular numbers, seems the very spirit of modernism. It is his scholarly knowledge of the old dances, coupled with masterful execution, that gives Mr. Anderson the position of most genuinely modern among his contemporaries in the field of social dancing. For the choreography of the Occident is completing one of those cycles whose repetitions make the history of the arts. We have thrown off old restrictions. We have tried our hand at inventing, and learn that novelty without beauty quickly loses its interest. That we turn for further material, to the dances whose lasting qualities have been proven, augurs exceedingly well for the healthy continuance of the present renaissance of the art.