TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE Social Adjustment I. The Purpose of Adjustment II. The Tradition of Adjustment III. The Modern View of Adjustment IV. Ideal and Normal V. The Measure of Adjustment VI. The Possibility of Adjustment VII. The Theory of Universal Human Capacity VIII. Universal Capacity an Established Fact IX. The New Basis for Opportunity X. Opportunity and Adjustment CHAPTER II Maladjustment and Social Cost I. Maladjustment II. Classification of Maladjustment III. Maladjustment and Adjustment IV. Social Cost V. Social Responsibility CHAPTER III Uniformity in Public Education I. The Early Basis of Education. II. The New Basis of Education III. Educational Uniformity and Modern Industry. IV. The Measure of the School System's Failure V. Illiteracy VI. School Mortality VII. Child Labor