CHAPTER XIV Unemployment I. The Extent of Unemployment II. Personal Causes of Unemployment III. Industrial Causes of Unemployment IV. Personal Effects of Unenployment V. Social Effects of Unemployment VI. Unemployment Remedies VII. Unemployment as a Maladjustment CHAPTER XV Educational Remedies for Maladjustment I. General Scope of Educational Remedies II. The Decline of Church Influence III. Trade-unions as an Educational Force IV. The Educative Influence of Social Panaceas V. The Educative Influence of Reform Movements VI. Philanthropy and Education VII. Journalism and Authorship VIII. The Educative Machinery of the School IX. The School—the Basis of Reform CHAPTER XVI Legislative Remedies for Maladjustment I. The Philosophy of Social Legislation II. The Necessity for Legislation III. The Form of Legislation. IV. The Social Expert V. The Execution of Public Opinion VI. The Necessity for Legislative Uniformity CHAPTER XVII THE METHODS OF SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT I. The Problem