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Who under ſentence had been put,
ot condemnation for their ſin.
Nor would death ſpoil'd be of its ſting,
Nor would the grave been vanquiſhed,
That thoſe within into death did bring,
Again might rais'd be from the dead.
Neither could trophies have been rais'd,
Upon the ſpoils of conquer'd hell,
Nor our dull bodies been prepar'd,
n the bleſt regions to dwell.
From all that dreadful miſery,
Under which man for in did groan,
He is delivered and ſet free.
To what thou ſuffer'd haſt and done.
And as thy ſufferings now are paſt,
And thou'rt ſet on thy throne on high,
So ſhall thy ranſom'd ones at laſt,
Share in that glorious dignity,