Conſider firſt, the way is ſtrait,
it narrow is alſo
Too ſtrait for thee and thy luſts too,
together for to go
Thy ſweet companions where thou haſt
held greateſt in reſpect,
Thou muſt abandon every one,
and utterly reject
Yea were thy luſts to thee as clear
as thy right hand or eye,
Yet part with them thou muſt, or elſe
part with a barve country
And through that ſtrait and narrow way,
thou tremble muſt and ſtrive,
At that moſt bleſs'd and happy port,
before thou canſt arrive
All who have trode this road before,
have found it ſtrait to be,
And thinkeſt thou for to get through
without difficulty
Yea thoſe who have beſtow'd moſt pains,
nothing had to ſpare.
And the moſt painful at the laſt,
but ſcarcely ſaved are,
But yet the ſtraitneſs of the way,
ſhould not make thee deſpair,
But rather ſhould the more increaſe,
thy diligence and care.
Moreover in this way ſhould meet
an oppoſition ſtrong,
Of enemies great multitudes,
in it ly all along
The ſons of Anak thou wilt meet,
thee and this way between;