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into her flat and caught her red-handed. As a result Suzy's curls are drooping in the prison of Saint-Lazare, and the family at Rouen will have one more mysterious silence to add to the long list of gaps in their general information about Suzy.

"Her little dog has been taken in charge by her friend Berthe, who once pulled out half Suzy's back hair in this very room. He seems disconsolate, as though he knew Suzy were languishing. It reminds me of a ditty which Luigi Pessaro used to sing:

'Son chien sur la fougère,
Assis nonchalament,
Du mieux qu'il pouvait faire
Disait, le regardant:
  L'amour me fait languir,
  Lon la!
  L'amour me fait,
  Lon la,
  Me fait mourir.'"

"Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs, September 5, 1923.

"Across the court there lives a girl whose hair is the colour of new copper wire. Sometimes she hangs her gloves at the window to dry in the sun. Sometimes she sits there polishing her nails. Every day she sketches at a life class in the Rue de la Grande Chaumière around the corner. When we meet in the court, or on the terrasse of the Rotonde, she nods without smiling. I bore her. Her name is Germaine. Her ami is a medical student who wears loose collars and baggy trousers. Late at night, when the concierge's gate clicks open in response to Germaine's knock, her friend crawls through beside her on all fours, so the concierge won't see him through the window. Germaine is more careful of her reputation than most girls who 'go in for' art.

"Her sketches are rather less than mediocre, and she