Page:Sologub Sweet Scented Name.djvu/191

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standing the music just as in all probability they don't understand anything of their beautiful surroundings?"

Agnes Rudolfovna shook her head as she answered:

"If they didn't understand the music they couldn't play so well."

"No," said the old professor, "their lack of understanding would be bound to show itself in their playing. And I think, or rather I am convinced, that they don't make any mistakes. At least my ear doesn't distinguish any false notes, and though I can't call myself a musician I understand something about music and I play a little myself."

Agnes Rudolfovna looked tenderly at her husband.

"Edward plays excellently, "said she. "He has a good touch and an irreproachable ear."

Professor Roggenfeldt kissed his wife's hand and said:

"Well, well, we won't exaggerate. But they certainly play very accurately."

"Accurately!" exclaimed the stranger. "It would be better if they made mistakes and confused the time, if only they didn't play so soullessly. Don't you think it would be better if these people didn't play at all?