Page:Sologub Sweet Scented Name.djvu/241

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jaws of the beast. There could be no mistake, the roaring proceeded from one of the caught beasts that were shut in the cages."

And I said to my brother Sin:

"Of such bodeful appearances it is better to be silent. So our forefathers enjoined. There is much in the world that is inexplicable, and even if it is possible to consider it familiarly and without fear, we ought always to hold ourselves humbly and reverently toward it."

Sin was a long time without words, but towards sunset he broke silence, saying: "It was the same roaring which we heard outside our village when he came for a victim. He to whom we prostrate ourselves with such humility and who has devoured countless delicate girls and pretty children is a wild beast with green cat's eyes, with yellow hide sown all over with black spots. And it is possible to catch him and put him in a cage."

I was horrified, and forbade my brother Sin to speak such dishonouring words. But Sin was possessed of the spirit that eternally strives against the dweller on the other side of the river Mairure, and he turned upon me in rage and cried out: