Page:Sologub Sweet Scented Name.djvu/47

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woman with a genius for housekeeping, said:

"Much better if you could find some money. If only she had five hundred roubles we could manage to get her a good trousseau."

"We ought to find five hundred thousand—for a princess's dowry," said Peter Antònovitch, laughing.

"Oh, a hundred thousand would be quite enough for you," laughed his cousin in reply.

Just then Turandina came quietly up the steps leading from the garden, and Peter Antònovitch called to her and said:

"Turandina, show me your little bag, dear. Perhaps you have a hundred thousand roubles there."

Turandina held out her little bag to him and said:

"If it's necessary, you will find it in the bag."

And Peter Antònovitch again put his hand into the little bag and drew forth a large packet of notes. He began to count them, but without counting he could see they represented a large quantity of money.