Page:Sologub Sweet Scented Name.djvu/65

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was a little sorry for the young man, so persistent, so incoherent in his speech. She smiled as she listened and thought to herself:

"What a red-headed Lohengrin he is, talking of love in this way!"

But he went on:

"And because my intentions are entirely honourable and exalted, I myself do not wish to meet you in the streets or in any public place, or in a private room in a restaurant. And I should be very greatly obliged, Marya Constantìnovna, if you would do me the great honour to present me to your respected mother."

"What more will you want?" exclaimed Mashenka. "How could I present you to my mother? She would be sure to ask me where I met you first. Please go away now or I shall really be angry."

She laughed again, however, and the young man went on:

"Do not be angry with me, Marya Constantìnovna. I shall do nothing to offend you, and if after some time you cannot feel any inclination towards me, then I will not venture to disturb you any more, but will go away into the shadow of my own poor life and only watch from afar your happiness