Page:Solomon Abramovich Lozovsky - The World's Trade Union Movement (1924).pdf/108

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As long as Fascism in its clearest form can be observed in Italy, we should, by working out our methods of struggle against it, consider the methods and technique of the Italian Fascisti. Fascism succeeded by a strong demagogy in organizing large trade unions there. And in our struggle against Fascism the question arose: Is it permissible for revolutionary workers to join Fascist unions and to create therein underground Communist neuclei? Is it permissible in such unions which are, in fact, strike-breaking organizations, which are assisting the bourgeoisie, etc., to create neuclei as a base of our propaganda?

We answered to that: Of course it is permissible. We must fight the enemy with those methods which are dictated by objective conditions. The creation in hostile unions of our neuclei is being carried out methodically, and we have very many cases, as in Italy, where the Fascist unions take steps against the employers and begin to use against them the same methods which they formerly used against the labor organizations.

There can be no objection against such a method of influence upon the Fascist organizations. The evolution of the Fascist organizations depends on the penetration of them by revolutionary elements, which will bring into them that which does not harmonize with the Fascist theory and practice.

But this, of course, is not sufficient. The underground work is calculated for a very long period of time. The other and more rapid method is the open mass struggle against Fascism. Where Fascism has already conquered the question is of overthrowing it, and where it is developing, the question is of not allowing it chance to grow up.

And here, while applying our tactics, we come in conflict with not only the Fascists, but also reformists. In order to make the slogan of the fight against Fascism understood by the masses, it must be made concrete. The laboring mass feels the oppression of Fascism where it has conquered, but where it has not yet conquered, wide circles of labor do not comprehend what Fascism is. Here the question of anti-Fascist propaganda plays a big role in the sense of ideological mobilization of the wide masses.

Workers' Defense Groups

The second phase is the creation of the workers' defense groups. These organizations are purely defensive in aim. To prove to the working masses the necessity of such defensive organization, is much easier than to get them into offensive organizations. On the other hand, as long as Fascism is an aggressive organization, and is striving to seize power where it has not yet conquered, it is natural that the question of self-defense receives more sympathy from the working class.

There are Fascist documents which prove that the Fascists are preparing not only a simple upheaval, but have certain plans; which cities