Page:Some Account of New Zealand.pdf/17

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Account of

nity; all of which are particularized, and the bearings and distances given in the accompanying plate.

The weather being squally, with hail, rain, and thunder, we did not think it prudent to stand very near in with the land; but shaping our course east by south, the land still in sight on the 20th, we made the entrance of the bay, which bore and appeared as I have represented.

The rock at the entrance, in figure like the perpendicular section of a sugar-loaf, has deep water steep-to. After passing this rock the harbour is open to you, and good anchorage may be found in almost every part. There is one caution, however, necessary to be observed, which is, that in the centre of the bay are three rocks, covered at high-water: we touched on one of them, but as the water is deep close around them, we wore without sustaining any injury: perhaps, on account of these rocks, it would be advisable to enter the bay at half-tide.