An image should appear at this position in the text.
Our sales policy is based upon set prices which are given constant publicity to all of our trade. The prices of (symbol characters) Papers are uniform to all. and we aim to be perfectly fair and impartial. Every effort is made to deliver exactly what we offer. When we fail, as occasionally we do, we stand ready to make good." We work on the basis that our paper must be as good as your money and carry out this policy to the best of our ability.
(symbol characters) Papers are handled in the Middle West and West by The An image should appear at this position in the text. Paper Mills' Co. of Chicago, Ill. The Chat- field & Woods Co. of Cincin- nati, Oho. The Union Paper & Twine Co. of Cleveland. Ohio, and by Blake, Moffitt & Towne. San Francisco and Los Angeles. California.