Page:Some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. John Livingston.pdf/24

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and despair, if God ſhould deal with them as they deſerved; and thus he will deal with all the finally impenitent. That God might juſtly rain fire and brimſtone upon them, as upon Sodom and Gomorrah, and the other cities of the plain. That the Son of God; by tabernacling in our nature; and obeying and ſuffering in it, is the only refuge and covert from the ſtorm of divine wrath due to us for ſin. That his merits and mediation are the alone ſkreen from that ſtorm; and none but penitent believers ſhall have the benefit of that ſhelter.

In these, or some expreſſions to this purpose, and many others, he was led on for about an hour's time (after he had done with what he had premeditated) in a ſtrain of exhortation and warning with great enlargement and melting of heart; which was ſollowed with such power, that it was thought five hundred persons could date their conversion from that Sermon.


FalkirkPrinted by T. Johnston.