Page:Some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. John Livingston.pdf/3

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his father, until he began to preach; during which time he began to observe the Lord's great goodness that he was born of such parents, who taught him the principles of religion so soon as he was capable to understand any thing.

He says, in his own Historical Account of his Life, that he does not remember the time or means of particularly, whereby the Lord at first wrought upon his heart; only, when he was very young, he would sometimes pray with some feeling, and read the word with some delight; but thereafter did often intermit such exercises, and then would have some challenges, and begin and intermit again, &c.

He says no (illegible text) inclination (illegible text) the ministry (illegible text) more after he had passed (illegible text) College; upon which (illegible text)s to the knowledge (illegible text) medicine, and to go to h(illegible text) but when propose (illegible text)ed to comply.

(illegible text)is father, having purchased (illegible text) in the parish of Mon, b(illegible text) took the rights in his son's name, proposing that he should marry and live there; but this he refused, think-ing