Page:Some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. John Livingston.pdf/8

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a violent ſtorm ariſing, they were driven near the bank of Newfoundland, and were all in danger of being drowned; and, after prayer and conſultation, they were obliged to turn back to Lochfergus. After this he ſtayed in Ireland, until he heard that he and Mr. Blair were to be apprehended; and then they went out of the way, and came over to Scotland. When he came to Irvine, Mr. Dickſon cauſed him preach, for which he was called in queſtion afterwards. Leaving Irvine, he paſſed by Loudon and Lanerk to Edinburgh, where he continued ſome time.

About the beginning of March. 1638. when the body of the land was about to renew the National Covenant, he was ſent poſt to London with ſeveral copies of the Covenant, and letters to friends at Court of both nations. When he came there, Mr. Borthwick delivered the letters for him; but he had been there but a few days when he had word ſent him from the Marquis of Hamilton, that he had overheard the King ſay, He was come, but he ſhould put a pair of ſetters about his feet. Whereupon, fearing he ſhould be taken in the poſt-way, he bought a horſe, and came home by St. Alban's and the weſtern way, and was preſent at Lanerk and otherplaces