Page:Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Master Alexander Peden.pdf/19

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as the Lord lives, none of them shall ever be honourd to put a right pin in the Lord's tabernacle, nor assert Christ's kingly prerogative, as head and king of his church To the same purpose said the never to be forgotten Mr. Donald Cargil, within eight hours of his martyrdom, that he feared, tho there were not another ministry in all the earth, he would make no more use of them in a national reformation; but send dreadful judgments upon themselves, and a long curse upon their posterity. And Rutherford said, in his day, 1656, That sad and heavy were the judgments and indignation from the Lord, that was abiding the unfaithful watchmen of Scotland; meaning the unhappy resolutioners. When ended, he prayed earnestly for many things; particularly, that all their Ireland-sins might be buried in that place, a d might not spread with them through the sinful land.

24. When the greater part took their farewel of him, he said to the rest, to what house or place shall we go? One Hugh Kennedy said, We will go to such a house. He said, Hewie, we will not get our nose in there; for the De'il and his bairns are there. Notwithstanding Hugh went, and found the house full of the enemies; and that night a woman in that house made away with herself. Hugh came quickly back, and told him He said, We'll go to such a house, I have an errand there. When they went, the good wife was dying, under great doubts and fears; where he was a blessed instrument of comfort to her; and said to Hugh, Hewie, this is the errand I had here.

25. They went eastward somewhat contrair to his inclination; they came to the top of an hill, upwards of two miles distant from the place they designed, he halted and said, I will not go one foot further this way; there is undoubtedly danger before us. An herd lad being there, he gave him a groat, and desired him to go to that house, and fetch them meat and news: when the lad came to the house, the good-wife hasted & gave him meat to them, saying, Lad, run hard, and tell them that the enemies are spread, and we are looking for them here every minute. As the lad was going from the house, eighteen of the enemies foot were near, crying, Stand, dog. The lad ran, and, six of them pursued half a mile, and fired hard upon him; the ball went close by his head. At that time Mr. Peden continued in prayer for him alone, and with the rest, being twelve men; when praying with them, he said Lord, shallthe