Page:Son of the wind.djvu/276

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assumed unpleasantly the tones of a confidant. "I mean I know where the horse is; I'll show you, and I'll show you straight whenever you like—" he paused and then shot the full splendor of the proposition—"for no further consideration!" This was an unexpected turn of the affair. Carron could not restrain a smile, but he felt a little puzzled.

"You don't mean she has shown you?" The keen pointed glint of panic looked out of Ferrier's eyes. "No, no! I know she hasn't," he added quickly. "She wouldn't. She never will! You'd better take my proposition. It's the only chance you'll get."

Carron reached for the rake. "Why, Ferrier," he said patiently, "I don't want it."

"But I do know," the man passionately insisted. "I know what I've seen. It isn't a fake. If a horse is what you want, there's no horse like him in the world!" He took hold of Carron's arm. "I'm telling you the truth, and I won't go back on you this time, I swear! I give you my word of honor!"

"Yes, yes, of course," Carron said rather soothingly, "I believe you, certainly I do. But you see I don't want the horse; and wouldn't take it as a gift. There's no use talking, that's the end of it."

Ferrier let his hand fall from Carron's sleeve. It appeared he had been sure of his cast. His tremb-