Page:Song of Hiawatha (1855).djvu/139

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Feet that run on willing errands!"
({em|1}}Smiling answered Hiawatha:
"In the land of the Dacotahs
Lives the Arrow-maker's daughter,
Minnehaha, Laughing Water,
Handsomest of all the women.
I will bring her to your wigwam,
She shall run upon your errands,
Be your starlight, moonlight, firelight,
Be the sunlight of my people!"
({em|1}}Still dissuading said Nokomis:
"Bring not to my lodge a stranger
From the land of the Dacotahs!
Very fierce are the Dacotahs,
Often is there war between us,
There are feuds yet unforgotten,
Wounds that ache and still may open!"
({em|1}}Laughing answered Hiawatha:
"For that reason, if no other,
Would I wed the fair Dacotah,