Full-turned to those tall tuads that did hear
A son's fierce mandate and a mother's prayer.
Ah, God! what memories can live of these,
Save only with the half-immortal trees
That saw the death of one, the other lost?
The weird-like figure now the bush has crost
And stands within the ring, and turns and moans
With arms out-reaching and heart-piercing tones.
And groping hands, as one a long time blind
Who sees a glimmering light on eye and mind.
From tree to sky he turns, from sky to earth,
And gasps as one to whom a second birth
Of wondrous meaning: is an instant shown.
Who is this wreck of years, who all alone,
In savage raiment and with words unknown.
Bows down like some poor penitent who fears
The wrath of God provoked?—this man who hears
Around him now, wide circling through the wood,
The breathing stillness of a multitude?
Page:Songs, Legends, and Ballads.djvu/326