Page:Songs before sunrise (IA beforesunrisongs00swinrich).pdf/297

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P. 6.

That called on Cotys by her name.

Σεμνὰ Κὀτυς ἰν τοῖς Ήδωνοῗς

Æsch. Fr. 54 (Ήδωνοὶ).

P. 111.

Was it Love brake forth flower-fashion, a bird with gold on his wings?

Ar. Av. 696.

P. 192.

That saw Saint Catherine bodily.

Her pilgrimage to Avignon to recall the Pope into Italy as its redeemer from the distractions of the time is of course the central act of St. Catherine's life, the great abiding sign of the greatness of spirit and genius of heroism which distinguished this daughter of the people, and should yet keep her name fresh above the holy horde of saints, in other records than the calendar; but there is no less significance in the story which tells how she succeeded in humanizing a criminal under sentence of death, and given over by the priests as a soul doomed and desperate; how the man thus raised and melted out of his fierce and brutal despair besought her to sustain him to the last by her presence; how, having accompanied him with comfort and support to the very scaffold, and seen his head fall, she took it up, and turning to the spectators who stood doubtful whether the poor wretch could be "saved," kissed it in sign of her faith that his sins were forgiven him. The high and fixed passion of her heroic temperament gives her a right to remembrance and honour of