Page:Songs of Rebellion (Hall 1915).djvu/38

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Sweetheart, I gaze,
Through the gathering haze,
Into the night
For the vanished light
Of your soft, clear eyes;
The dream-light,
The love-light,
For the light of your beautiful eyes.

And afar,
Where the bright seas roll
Round the Happiness Isle,
And all things smile,
I send my soul
To kneel at your feet
In the gardens sweet,
Where wistarias twine
With the jessamine vine,
In a land where life is all divine.

And poppy,
Honey and dew,
Make I of these a magical brew,
Quaff it, and wander in dreamland with you;
Wander away, dear, never to grieve,
In the wonderful land of The-make-believe.
