Don't take my papa away from me, don't leave me there all alone.
He has cared for me so tenderly, ever since mother was gone.
Nobody ever like him can be, no one can so with me play.
Don't take my papa away from me; please don't take papa away.
Her tender pleadings were all in vain, and her father went to the war.
He'll never kiss her good night again, for he fell 'mid the cannon's roar.
Greater a soldier was never born, but his brave heart was pierced one day;
And as he was dying, he heard some one crying,
A girl's voice far away:
(Tune: "They Made It Twice As Nice As Paradise And Called It Dixie Land")
By Raymond Corder
Oh the master class and the scissor-bill
They rave of Dixieland
But still it's hell for darkies there
And the migratory working man
The plutes say Angels built Dixie
But I think they told a fib
If the Angels did build Dixie land
Then I'll tell you what the Angels did.
They built some built some big stockades,
And they called it Dixie land