Page:Songs of the cowboys (IA songsofcowboys00thor).pdf/211

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O Lord, I ain’t never lived where churches grow, 47

Oh, bury me not on the lone prairie, 62

Oh, come en ride the Western range along with Blue en me, 67

Oh, I am a Texas cowboy, 148

Oh, music springs under the galloping hoofs, 129

Oh, slow up, dogies, quit your roving round, 108

Oh, the prairie dogs are barking, 30

Oh, we’re up in the morning ere breaking of the day, 132

One pleasant summer day it came a storm of snow, 58

Parson, I’m a maverick, just runnin’ loose an’ grazin’, 55

Sam Bass was born in Indiana, it was his native home, 135

Some time ago two weeks or more, 31

Spanish is the lovin’ tongue, 10

’T was a calm and peaceful evening in a camp called Arapahoe, 15

’T was the end of the round-up the last day of June, 166

’T was this time jest a year ago on this Thanksgivin’ Day, 12

Ten thousand Texas Rangers are laughin’ fit to kill, 145

That time when Bob got throwed, 164

The bawl of a steer, 44

The bawl of a steer to a cowboy’s ear is music of sweetest strain, 140

The boss he took a trip to France, 60

The Devil we ’re told in hell was chained, 77

The outlaw stands with blindfold eyes, 113

The scream of the outlaw split the air, 138

There ’s a touch of human pathos, 170

There was a brave old Texan, 102

There was a rich old rancher who lived in the country by, 134

They don’t drive the Overland Stage no more, 124

Through progress of the railroads our occupation’s gone, 20

Through rocky arroyos so dark and so deep, 23

Twelve years have I lived in this desolate place, 130