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(English Transport Workers' Strike Song)

We meet today in Freedom's cause,
And raise our voices high,
We'll join our hands in union strong,
To battle or to die.


Hold the fort for we are coming
Union men be strong.
Side by side we battle onward
Victory will come.

Look my Comrades, see the union
Banners waving high.
Reinforcements now appearing,
Victory is nigh.

See our numbers still increasing;
Hear the bugle blow.
By our union we shall triumph
Over every foe.

Fierce and long the battle rages,
But we will not fear.
Help will come whene'er it's needed,
Cheer, my Comrades, cheer.


By Rose Elizabeth Smith

(Tune: "Ninety and Nine.")

There are ninety and nine that work and die,
In hunger and want and cold,
That one may revel in luxury,
And be lapped in the silken fold.
And ninety and nine in their hovels bare,
And one in a palace of riches rare.

From the sweat of their brow the desert blooms
And the forest before them falls;