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HOGARTH'S WORKS. EncGraven ny Himsetr. 153 fine Plates, with elaborate Letterpress Descriptions by Joun Nicwous, Atlas folio, half morcecs extra, gilt edges, £7 tos.

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HOGARTH'S WORKS, With Life and Anecdotal Descriptions of the Pictures, by Jows Inriano and Jown Niceoes, 160 Enagravings, reduced in exact facsimile of the Originals. The whole in Three Series, 8vo, cloth, gilt, 22s. 6d.; or, separately, 7s., 6d., per volume.

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Poor Tom Hood! It is very sad to turn over the droll pages of ' From Nowhere ta the North Pole,' and two think that he will never make the young people, for whom, like his famous father, he ever had such a kind, sympathetic heart, kaugh or ery any more. This t¢ a birthday story, and no part of it is better than the first chapter, concerning birthdays in general, and Frank's birthday in particular, The amusing letterpress is profusely interspersed with the fingling rhymes which children love and learn 50 easily. Messrs, Brunton and Barnes do full justice to the writer's meaning, and a pleasamter result of the harmonious co-operation of author aad artist could nat he desired." Times.

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