Page:Sons of the Tyne's garland.pdf/7

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Then ſhe took me up to the Ken,
And I called for a Bottle,
Her Miſtreſs quickly brought it in,
I made the Glaſſes rattle,
I flaſh'd my clay and ſo Moll fly,
Did ſmile and tip the Giggle
I'm ſure I can pleaſe any Man,
With Wilkes's pleaſant Riggle.

My Girl and I then fell to work,
We rowl'd it both together
And at every move and every jerk
She call'd out Wilkes for ever:
See here's a Skin that's found within
You ſee I want no Doctor,
Then tipt the giggle with Wilkes's riggle
And hollowed out no Proctor.

Of all the riggles then ſaid I,
I ne'er know ſuch another,
My dear, ſaid ſhe, we'll come to it again,
As ſoon as you do recover:
With all my Heart I will not ſtart,
Said I, I've no objection,
Then with each ſhove ſhe cry'd my Love
Wilkes, and a free Election.
