Page:Sonshi (Calthrop, 1905).pdf/33

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Son the master said:—

The ancient masters of war first made their position impregnable, then waited until the adversary’s condition gave promise of victory. That was a consummation whereby success was made certain, and likewise failure to the adversary.

Skilful soldiers can make their armies invincible, but they cannot always put the enemy in a conquerable position.

The conditions necessary for victory may be present, but it cannot always be obtained.

If the enemy be invincible, we stand on the defensive and await an opportunity; if he be vulnerable, we attack.

Conceal your strength in defence; shew your banners in attack.

The skilful in defence, crouch, hidden in the deepest shades; the skilful in attack, push to the topmost heaven.[1]

If these precepts be observed, victory is certain.

A victory, even if popularly proclaimed as such by the common folk, may not be a true . To win in fight, and for the kingdom to say, "Well done",

is not the perfection of attainment. To lift an

  1. Literally 9th heaven, and 9th earth. The Chinese divided the earth and sky each into 9 strata.