Page:Sonshi (Calthrop, 1905).pdf/61

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those who are sitting with bowed heads may be wet with tears; tears may roll down the cheeks of those reclining; but these men when in a desperate place, will fight with the courage of Sho Kwai.

Soldiers should be used like the snakes on Mt. Tosan; which, if you hit on the head, the tail will strike you; if you hit the tail, the head will strike you; if you strike its middle, head and tail will strike you together.

Should any one ask me whether men can be made to move like these snakes, I say, yes. The men of Go and Etsu hate each other; but if they cross a river in a boat and a storm overtake them, they help each other like the two hands.

The horses may be tied, and the chariot wheels sunk in the mud ; but that does not prevent flight.

Universal courage, and unity of the soldiers, depend on good management.

To get the best results from both weak and strong depends upon the nature of the situation.

Under such conditions, it is quite natural that the skilful should lead his men where he will, as it were by the hand.

The qualities of a good general are, calmness and justice ; and from these spring inscrutability and good government. The general keeps his officers and men in ignorance of his plans, and informs no one of any changes or fresh departures. By changing his camps, and taking devious and unexpected routes, his plans cannot be guessed.