Page:Sonshi (Calthrop, 1905).pdf/65

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Son the Master said:—

There are five ways of attack by fire:

The first is called barrack burning; the second, Store depot burning; the third, commissariat burning; the fourth, Armoury and store house burning; the fifth, the company burning.

Fire assault requires an incendiary. Further; appliances must always be kept at hand.

There is a time and day proper for the setting and carrying out of the fire assault; namely: such time as the weather is dry; and a day when the moon is in the quarters of the stars Ki-Heki Yoku Chin: for these are days of wind.

Regard well the five burning’s in their various relations. When fire breaks out in the enemy’s lines, thrust upon him with all speed.

If fire breaks out in the enemy’s camp, but his soldiers are quiet, wait, and do not attack.

When fully satisfied that the fire is at its height, attack or not, as it may seem fit unto you.

If the opportunity be favourable, set fire to the outside of the enemy’s camp, without waiting for the fire to originate.

When fire breaks out on the windward side, do not attack from the leeward.