Page:Sophocles - Seven Plays, 1900.djvu/204

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Ch. Would I had not! I heard, and shivered through.

Cly. (within). Oh me! Alas, Aegisthus! where art thou?

El. Hark! yet again that sound!

Cly. (within). O son, have pity!
Pity the womb that bare thee.

El. Thou hadst none
For him, nor for his father, in that day.

Half-Ch. Poor city! hapless race!
Thy destiny to-day
Wears thee away, away.
What morn shall see thy face?

Cly. (within). Oh, I am smitten!

El. Give a second stroke,
If thou hast power.

Cly. (within). Oh me! again, again!

El. Would thou wert shrieking for Aegisthus too!

Ch. The curse hath found, and they in earth who lie
Are living powers to-day.
Long dead, they drain away
The streaming blood of those who made them die.

Enter Orestes and Pylades.

Behold, they come, they come!
His red hand dripping as he moves
With drops of sacrifice the War-god loves.
My ’wildered heart is dumb.

El. How is it with you, brother?

Or. If Apollo
Spake rightfully, the state within is well.

El. Wretched one, is she dead?

Or. No more have fear
Thou shalt be slighted by thy mother’s will.

Ch. Cease, for I see Aegisthus near in view.

El. In, in again, boys!

Or. Where do ye behold
The tyrant?

El. To our hand from yonder gate
He comes with beaming look.