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And when I have got her this feather to wear,
There's no man alive can me blame,
For she's caus'd me to walk many a cold winter night,
Before that I got her to tame,
   Brave Boys, &c.

So here's to him that has got a good wife,
And here's to him that has none,
And cursed be he that would go to a whore,
When he's got a good wife of his own, brave boys,
   When he's got a good wife of his own.

New Paddy Whack.

I set out from Ulster, my own country,
And with speed I arrived at Donaghadee;
I call'd for a ship but they gave me a boat,
She kick'd up her keel, and she sent me afloat.

With my turant tana, ladlee fold the dola,
My blessing be with you sweet Eringobragh.

I call’d to the Captain to give me his hand,
But de'il a one minute this racer would stand;
I curs'd him to stop and tighten her reins,
Or against some old bridge she would knock out his brains.

But there I was left on the midst of the deep,
No house for to lodge, nor no bed for to sleep;
Afraid every moment to tumble down stairs
But I kept to the top by the strength of my pray’rs,