Page:Source Problems in English History.djvu/20

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There are a few great documents so indispensable to the study of English history, documents which have become such a standard tradition in teaching the subject, that every source book, whatever its plan, should print them in full. It is hoped that the seven documents printed in the Appendix include most of those which belong beyond question in such a select list. Where the whole or part of any of these documents is related to one of the problems, the appropriate reference has been made; but their independent position in the Appendix will make it convenient for the teacher to use them in any way he may choose.

We desire to express our thanks to all who have assisted in the preparation of the material, with especial reference to Professor Munro, the general editor of this series. Professor Bertha H. Putnam has given her expert knowledge very freely and cordially in connection with phases of Problem IV; Dr. W. S. McKechnie and his publishers, Messrs. Maclehose, have distinctly increased the worth of the book by their ready permission to use his translation of Magna Carta, and we are indebted to Professor Cheyney for the use of his translation of the Extent of the Manor of Borley. Professor Seligman has kindly allowed us the use of his excellent summary of the Budget of 1909. Upon the Problem of the Parliament Act, Professor C. D. Allin has given wise suggestion. For help upon some of