Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 03.djvu/289

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Battle of Seven Pines Report of General Longstreet.

I will mention Brigadier-General Rodes, of that division, as distinguished for coolness, ability and determination. He made one of the most important and decisive movements on the field, and held his command several hours after receiving a severe wound. My own troops have been so often tried and distinguished on other fields that they need no praise from my lips. A truer, better body of men never marched upon a battle-field.

I will mention, however, as distinguished for their usual gallantry and ability, Generals R. H. Anderson, C. M. Wilcox, Geo. E. Pickett, R. E. Colston, R. A. Pryor, and Colonels Kemper and Jenkins (commanding brigades), and Colonels Corse, Winston, Funston and Sydenham Moore—the latter twice shot, once severely wounded.

I desire also to mention the conspicuous courage and energy of Captain James Dearing, of the Lynchburg artillery, and his officers and men. His pieces were served under the severest fire, as his serious loss will attest. Captain Carter, of General Hill's division, also displayed great gallantry and skill in the management of his battery.

My personal staff—Majors G. M. Sorrel, J. W. Fairfax, P. T. Manning, and Captains Thomas Goree, Thomas Walton, and my young aid, Lieutenant R. W. Blackwell—have my kind thanks for their activity, zeal and intelligence in carrying orders and the proper discharge of their duties. Captain Walton was slightly wounded. I am indebted to General Wigfall and Colonel P. T. Moore, volunteer aids, for assistance in rallying troops and carrying orders during the battle of the 31st instant, and kindly aided in carrying orders during the several assaults made by the enemy on that day. I am also indebted to Colonel R. H. Chilton for material aid. Dr. J. S. D. Cullen, Surgeon-in-Chief, and the officers of his Department, kindly and untiringly devoted themselves to the wounded. They have none of the chances of distinction of other officers, but discharge the most important duties. I refer to his report for the conduct of the officers of his department.

Detailed reports of the major-generals, brigadiers and other commanders and chiefs of staff have been called for, and will be forwarded as soon as received. Our loss in valuable officers and men has been severe. Colonels Giles, Fifth South Carolina; Jones, Twelfth Alabama; Lomax, Third Alabama, fell at the head of their Commands, gallantly leading them to victory.

Three hundred and forty-seven prisoners, ten pieces of artillery,