is constantly placing the Society under obligations for valuable papers and documents, and promises still others in future.
Major J. M. McCue, of Rockingham—Several newspapers of value.
From Graham Daves, Esq., of Wilmington, North Carolina—Roster of the Confederate officers who, while prisoners of war, were placed under fire of our own guns at Morris Island.
From Colonel William Allan, of Baltimore (former Chief of Ordnance, Second Corps, Army Northern Virginia)—Two papers on the battle of Gettysburg—valuable additions to our series.
From Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati—The Washington-Crawford letters concerning Western lands, arranged and annotated by C. W. Butterfield.
From R. M. J. Paynter, Esq., of Richmond—The loan of files of telegrams sent from the Confederate army headquarters on the south side of James river, May, June, August and September, 1864. Many of these telegrams are autographs of Generals R. E. Lee, Beauregard, Ransom, Hoke, Heth, Pickett, &c., and are both interesting and valuable.
From the Wisconsin State Historical Society—"Catalogue" for 1873-1875, in three volumes.
From General C. M. Wilcox—A paper on the defence of Fort Gregg.
From Captain W. L. Ritter, Secretary Society of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States in Maryland—Resolutions passed by the Society on the death of General Cooper.