Colonel E. C. Cook; 45th Tennessee regiment, Colonel A. Searcy; Newman's battalion, Captain W. P. Simpson.
Third Brigade—Brigadier-General Bates—20th Tennessee regiment, Captain J. T. Guthrie; 15th and 37th regiments, Colonel R. C. Tyler; 37th Georgia regiment, A. T. Rudler; 58th Alabama regiment, Colonel Bush. Jones; 4th Georgia battalion Sharpshooters, Lieutenant Joel Towers.
Fourth brigade—Brigadier-General Clayton—18th Alabama regiment, Major P. T. Hunley; 36th Alabama regiment, Colonel L. S. Woodruff; 38th Alabama regiment, Colonel C. T. Ketchum.
Major-General John C. Breckinridge's Division.
First Brigade—Brigadier-General M. A. Stovall—1st and 3d Florida regiments, Colonel W. S. Dillworth; 4th Florida regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel E. Bader; 60th North Carolina regiment, Colonel W. M. Hardy; 47th Georgia regiment, Captain J. S. Cone.
Second—Brigadier-General Adams' brigade, Colonel R. L. Gibson—13th and 20th Louisiana regiments, Colonel Leon Von Zinken; 16th and 25th Louisiana regiments, Colonel D. Gober; 19th Louisiana regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Turner; 32d Alabama regiment, Captain A. Kilpatrick; Austin's battalion, Major J. C. Austin.
Third—Brigadier-General Helm's brigade, Colonel James H. Lewis—2d Kentucky regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Morse; 4th Kentucky regiment, Major T. W. Thompson; 6th Kentucky regiment, Major W. L. Clarke; 9th Kentucky regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Wickliffe; 4lst Alabama regiment, Colonel M. L. Stansel.
Semplis' battery, Lieutenant R. H. Goldthwait; Swett's battery, Captain Charles Swett; Calvert's battery, Lieutenant T. J. Key; Douglass' battery, Captain J. P. Douglass.
Major Eldridge's battalion—Darden's battery, Captain Pat. Darden; Dawson's battery, Lieutenant R. W. Anderson; Eufaula battery, Lieutenant W. J. McKenzie; Humphries' battery, Captain J. T. Humphries; Cobb's battery, Lieutenant T. P. Gracy; Slocomb's battery, Captain C. H. Slocomb; Mebane's battery. Captain J. W. Mebane.
June 1st, 1863.
McLaws' Division—Major-General L. McLaws.
Kershaw's brigade—Brigadier-General J. B. Kershaw—15th South Carolina regiment, Colonel W. D. De Saussure; 8th South Carolina regiment, Colonel J. W. Memminger; 2d South Carolina regiment, Colonel John D. Kennedy; 3d South Carolina regiment, Colonel James D. Nance; 7th South Carolina regiment, Colonel D. Wyatt Aiken; 3d (James') battalion South Carolina infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Rice.
Benning's brigade—Brigadier-General H. L. Benning—50th Georgia regiment, Colonel W. R. Manning; 51st Georgia regiment, Colonel W. M. Slaughter; 53d Georgia regiment, Colonel James P. Somms; 10th Georgia regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel John B. Weems.
Barksdale's brigade—Brigadier-General Wm. Barksdale—13th Mississippi regiment, Colonel J. W. Carter; 17th Mississippi regiment, Colonel W. D. Holder; 18th Mississippi regiment, Colonel Thomas M. Griffln; 21st Mississippi regiment, Colonel B. G. Humphreys.
Woffard's brigade—Brigadier-General W. T. Woffard—18th Georg1a regiment. Major E. Griffis; Phillips' Georgia Legion, Colonel W. M. Phillips; 24th Georgia regiment, Colonel Robert McMillan; 16th Georgia regiment, Colonel Goode Bryan; Cobb's Georgia Legion, Lieutenant-Colonel L. D. Glewn.