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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 03.djvu/90

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

In conclusion, let me add that I presumed, from a copy of your confidential order of the 29th ultimo, found on the battle field on John's Island on the 9th instant, that you were commanding in person the troops operating against this city, and as you had particularly requested me to communicate with you only by way of Port Royal ferry, I felt bound to delay my reply until I was assured it would promptly reach you by the route you were pleased to indicate.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Sam. Jones,
Major-General Commanding.

To Major-General J. G. Foster,
Commanding United States Forces, Hilton Head.

Hdrs. Department South Carolina, Georgia and Florida,
, July 13, 1864.

General—Your letter of the 4th in reply to mine of the 1st inst. has been received.

I am pleased to know that you reciprocate my desire for an exchange of prisoners of war, but regret that you should require as a condition precedent to any negotiation for this end that I should remove from their present location the United States prisoners of war now in this city. Such a course on my part would be an implied admission that those officers are unduly exposed and treated with unnecessary rigor, which they have themselves assured you in their letter of the 1st instant is not the case.

I regard the exchange of prisoners as demanded alike by the rules of civilized warfare and the dictates of common humanity. To require a change of location, which you have every reason to know that the prisoners themselves do not desire, is to throw an unnecessary obstacle in the way of accomplishing this end, and thus to retain prisoners of war in irksome confinement. The change I most prefer is to send them to your headquarters, and this may yet be done unless defeated by obstacles interposed by yourself or your Government.

I was notified of your request that I would send a staff officer to meet one of yours at Port Royal at 2 P.M. to-day, too late to comply therewith. I have, however, directed the officer of your staff to be informed that I would send an officer to meet him at 4 P.M. to-morrow, and I have accordingly directed Major J. F. Lay,