Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 04.djvu/325

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The Peace Commission—Mr. Hunter's Reply.

"the two countries" by President Davis in his letter to Mr. Blair did throw difficulties in the way of the reception of the Peace Commissioners (so-called) by President Lincoln on the notable occasion to which you refer.

I do not understand you to say in your letter to the Philadelphia Times that these words gave rise to any obstacle in the progress of the Conference or the object for which it was sought, except in the reception of the Confederate Commissioners. It was upon this point mainly our delay at City Point hinged.

But upon all these questions and matters my views have been very fully as well as minutely given in "The War Between The States," &c., vol. 2, page 576, et seq., to which I refer you for details.

Yours very truly,

Alexander H. Stephens.

169 St. Paul Street, Baltimore,
31st October, 1877.

My Dear Sir: Your letter of the 28th instant has been received and I proceed to comply with your request. The Commissioners appointed in 1865 to confer with the President of the United States concerning peace were furnished with a letter addressed to Mr. Francis P. Blair by President Lincoln, wherein the latter consented to receive persons coming from those in authority in the Southern States who desired to make peace on the basis "of one common country" This letter we were to exhibit at the lines of the Federal armies and told it would serve us as a passport to Washington City.

The letters of appointment for the Commissioners, and I believe the treasure with which our expenses was to be borne were delivered to me by Mr. Washington, of the State Department of the Confederate States, at night, after our interview with the Executive. I noticed to Mr. Washington the letter of appointment did not correspond to the letter of Mr. Lincoln to Mr. Blair, and that it might make difficulty.

I learnt from him there had been a discussion and a difference between Mr. Davis and Mr. Benjamin on the subject, and it had been so settled. We left the morning after, and I gave to Mr. Stephens and to yourself the papers on the way to Petersburg.

There was detention at Petersburg. The Federal officers did not understand our passport, if I may so call it, and had to apply to Washington City. While awaiting instructions, and within two or three days after our departure General Grant allowed us to go to City Point, his headquarters. Within two days or more Colonel Eckert, an officer of the United States, arrived at City Point from Washington City. He had a copy of the letter from President Lincoln to Mr. Blair. With General Grant he came to