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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 06.djvu/269

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The Gettysburg Campaign—Official Reports.

its ranks terribly thinned. Among the officers of his brigade, especially mentioned by General Davis as displaying conspicuous gallantry on this occasion, are noticed Colonel Stone, commanding Second Mississippi regiment; Colonel Connally, commanding Fifty-fifth North Carolina regiment; Major Belo, Fifty-fifth North Carolina regiment; Lieutenant-Colonel Moseley and Major Feeny, Forty-second Mississippi regiment, severely wounded while gallantly leading their regiments to the charge. Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, of the Fifty-fifth North Carolina regiment, was at the same time killed, as also was the gallant Lieutenant Roberts, of the Second Mississippi regiment, who, with a detachment of the Second and Forty-second Mississippi regiments, after a hand to hand conflict with the enemy, succeeded in capturing the colors of a Pennsylvania regiment.

The good conduct of this brigade on this occasion merits my special commendation.

On the right of the road Archer encountered heavy masses in his front, and his gallant little brigade, after being almost surrounded by overwhelming forces in front and on both flanks, was forced back.

The service lost at this time that most gallant and meritorious officer, Brigadier-General Archer, who fell into the enemy's hands, together with some sixty or seventy of his men.

The enemy had now been felt and found to be in a heavy force in and around Gettysburg. The division was now formed in line of battle on the right of the road, the several brigades posted as follows:

Archer's brigade (Colonel B. D. Fry, Thirteenth Alabama regiment, commanding) on the right, Pettigrew in the centre and Brockenbrough on the left. Davis' brigade was kept on the left of the road, that it might collect its stragglers, and from its shattered condition it was not deemed advisable to bring it into action again on that day. After resting in line of battle for one hour or more, orders were received to attack the enemy in my front, with the notification that General Pender's division would support me.

The division had not advanced more than a hundred yards before it became hotly engaged. The enemy was steadily driven before it at all points, except on the left, where Brockenbrough was held in check for a short time, but finally succeeded in driving the enemy before him in confusion.

Brockenbrough's brigade behaved with its usual gallantry, capturing two stands of colors and a number of prisoners.

The officer who made the report of the part taken by Brockenbrough's brigade in this day's fight, has omitted to mention the names of the officers and soldiers who distinguished themselves on this occasion.

Pettigrew's brigade encountered the enemy in heavy force and broke through his first, second and third lines.

The Eleventh North Carolina regiment, Colonel Leventhorpe commanding, and the Twenty-sixth North Carolina regiment, Col-