fined to the unsuccessful, but is equally participated in by those who met them on the bloody field and measured lances with them.
The great names of the late war are not the property of any State or section, but belong to the whole country, and to the Anglo-Saxon race.
"Great men never die,
Their bones may sodden in the sun,
Their heads be hung on castle gates and city walls,
But still their spirits walk abroad."
Again, gentlemen, permit me to thank you for your kind remembrance of the Army of Tennessee, and to again assure you that it is a pleasure to meet you to-night.
Then followed a number of volunteer toasts, which were in turn happily responded to by Colonel James Lingan, President of the Louisiana Division, Army of Tennessee Association; Dr. Carrington, late of the Confederate States navy; Colonel F. R. Farrar ("Johnny Reb"), of Amelia; General Fitz. Lee; Rev. H. Melville Jackson, of Richmond; Major R. W. Hunter, of Winchester, formerly of the Staff of General Edward Johnson, and General John B. Gordon, and General J. A. Early, who always brings down the house.
The whole occasion was indeed a joyous one, which renewed many glorious memories and revived hallowed associations which we would not "willingly let die."