Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 07.djvu/416

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

regiment, a gallant and meritorious officer, was killed in a charge upon the enemy near Goose Creek bridge. Our lines were much further advanced than before, and Monday (the 22d) was consumed in their re-establishment.

Our loss in these operations was 65 killed, 279 wounded and 166 missing.

I resumed my own position at Rector's cross-roads, and being in constant communication with the Commanding-General, had scouts busily engaged watching and reporting the enemy's movements, and reporting the same to the Commanding-General. In this difficult search the fearless and indefatigable Major Mosby was particularly active and efficient. His information was always accurate and reliable.

The enemy retained one army corps (Fifth) at Aldie, and kept his cavalry near enough to make attacks upon the latter productive of no solid benefits, and I began to look for some other point at which to direct an effective blow. I submitted to the Commanding-General the plan of leaving a brigade or so in my present front, and passing through Hopewell or some other gap in Bull Run mountain, attain the enemy's rear, passing between his main body and Washington, cross into Maryland, joining our army north of the Potomac.

The Commanding-General wrote me authorizing this move if I deemed it practicable, and also what instructions should be given the officer left in command of the two brigades left in front of the enemy. He also notified me that one column should move via Gettysburg and the other via Carlisle towards the Susquehanna; and directed me, after crossing, to proceed with all dispatch to join the right (Early) of the army in Pennsylvania.

Accordingly, three (3) days' rations were prepared, and on the night of the 24th the following brigades: Hampton's, Fitz. Lee's, W. H. F. Lee's, rendezvoused secretly near Salem depot. We had no wagons or vehicles, except six pieces of artillery and caissons and ambulances.

Robertson's and Jones' brigades, under command of the former, were left in observation of the enemy on the usual front, with full instructions as to following up the enemy in case of withdrawal and joining our main army.

Brigadier-General Fitz. Lee's brigade had to march from north of Snicker's gap to the place of rendezvous. This brigade was now for the first time for a month under the command of its noble Briga-