Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 07.djvu/590

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

have done in the enemy's rear with ten or twelve thousand cavalry, only opposed by two regiments.

And so ended the last of the Federal operations at Chancellorsville. The total losses on the Federal side was 17,197 (Hooker, Conduct of War, volume I, page 143). Total loss on Confederate side was 10,281. Colonel Baldwin, Chief of Ordnance, reported thirteen cannon, 1,500 rounds of artillery ammunition, large lot of harness, wheels, &c., and 19,500 muskets and rifles and 300,000 rounds of infantry ammunition.

In an address of this sort it is impossible to do justice to the many splendid feats of valor performed by the troops. I must refer all to the official reports. They will show the difficulties and dangers which, under God's blessing, were surmounted by the valor and fortitude of our army.

The prominent points of this contest were: Jackson's fight of the 2d, Stuart's of the 3d, and the operations of Early and Barksdale, of Anderson, McLaws and Wilcox. In his official report, General Lee says that "the conduct of the troops cannot be too highly praised. Attacking largely superior numbers in strongly entrenched positions, their heroic courage overcame every obstacle of nature and of art, and achieved a triumph most honorable to our arms. I commend to the Department the brave officers and men mentioned by their superiors for extraordinary daring and merit, whose names I am unable to enumerate here; among them will be found some who have passed by a glorious death beyond the reach of praise, but the memory of whose virtues and devoted patriotism will ever be cherished by their grateful countrymen."

On 6th May, General Hooker published his General Order No. 49. Listen to portions of it: "The Major-General-Commanding tenders to this army his congratulations on its achievements of the last seven days.  *   *   *  In withdrawing from the south bank of the Rappahannock, before delivering a general battle to our adversaries, the army has given renewed evidence of its confidence in itself and its fidelity to the principles it represents.  *   *   *  Profoundly loyal and conscious of its strength, the army of the Potomac will give or decline battle whenever its interests or honor may demand.  *   *   *  The events of the last week may swell with pride the heart of every officer and soldier of this army." And then in a letter to Lincoln, dated May 13th, 1863, Hooker says, near its close, "Is it asking too much to inquire your opinion of my Order No. 49? If so, do not answer me. Jackson is dead and Lee