Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 09.djvu/141

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

anyway; and as for their artillery, the Southern Confederacy needs artillery, and we will just go and take possession of those pieces." Dismounting from his horse after our line of battle was formed, he took a musket and was among the foremost in the charge as we dashed forward and cleared the wood to and beyond the Loudoun and Hampshire Railroad, causing the long roll to beat and the troops to turn out for miles along General McClellan's front.

It was my privilege to see a good deal of Stuart at this period, at his head-quarters, on a red blanket, spread under a pine tree on Munson's hill, His athletic frame indicating that he was a splendid war machine—his lofty forehead, flashing blue eyes, prominent nose, heavy, reddish-brown whiskers and mustache—his beaming countenance and clear, ringing laughter, and his prompt decision, rapid execution and gallant dash, all showed that he was a born leader of men, and pointed him out as a model cavalryman. Those were merry days on the outpost, when we fought for a peach orchard, a tomato patch, or a cornfield, when Stuart would call for volunteers to drive in the enemy's pickets, or amuse himself with having Rosser's artillery "practice" at Professor Lowe's balloon, or sending up a kite with lantern attached, or causing a long roll to beat along McClellan's whole front, by sending up sky-rockets at night from different points.

On the 11th of September, Stuart took 305 men of the Thirteenth Virginia, two companies of his cavalry, and two pieces of Rosser's battery, and advanced on Lewinsville, where, by a skillful handling of his little command, he drove off a force of the enemy consisting of a brigade of infantry, eight pieces of artillery, and a detachment of cavalry. I remember how delighted Stuart was, as he declared, "We have whipped them out of their boots."

He was also chuckling over the following note, which was left for him with a citizen by his old West Point comrade, Griffin:

"Dear 'Beauty,'—I have called to see you, and regret very much that you are 'not in.' Can't you dine with e at Willard's to-morrrow? Keep your 'black horse' off me.

"Your old friend,

To this note Stuart made the following reply:

"Dear Griffin,—I heard that you 'called,' and hastened to see you, but as soon as you saw me coming, you were guilty of a discourtesy of turning your back on me. However, you probably hurried