Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 09.djvu/221

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212 ,?uthern 17istorieal ,,?o?,iet31 Papers. !)edJemtlon of the Tomb of the AFnhY of Noftbef? Vlfjtnla Amoei?tJom ?nd Uuveilfu? or (he Sit?tue or Sitonewmll J?ekoou at New It was our privilege to be present on this memorable loth of May, 1881, in New Orlcens, and while we have not space for a full report, we must make a brief record of this Erand historic occasion. The Louisiana Division, Army Northern Virginia Association, with a zeal and enterprising liberality worthy of all praise, had completed their tomb, which has vaults capable of receiving twenty-five hundred of their dead comrades, mounted upon it the statue of their old com- mander, Stonewall Jackson, and invited Mrs. Jackson and Miss Julia, President Davis, General Fitz. Lee, their comrades of the Army of Tennessee Association, the Lee Association of Mobile, and a number of others, to be present on the occasion. Acoordingly, on the afternoon of the 10th, a crowd numbering from twelve to fifteen thousand assembled in the beautiful Metairie Cemetery. The vast throng occupying the comfortable seats, arranged amphitheatre style, or standing in the open space, the beautiful granite shaft deco- rated with Confederate flags and floral designs of most exquisite taste and beauty, the "Guard of Honor," composed of nineteen disabled veterans of the Army of Northeru Virginia, the clouds in the distance hanging like the smoke of battle, and the muttering thunder, which recalled the sound of artillery, all conspired to make a picture not easily forgotten. But when at the appointed hour Mrs. Jackson and Miss Julia, President Davis, and General Lee appeared on the platform and the statue was unveiled, amid the beating of drums and the cheers of the multitude, the scene presented was one far beyond our poor powers of description. THE MONUMENT AND STATUE are of granite, and in design and execution reflect the highest credit on the taste of the oommittee and the skill of the artist, Perslli. The mouument rises fifty feet above the ground. The shaft rests on a handsome base and is very graceful in its proportions, and on reverse sides are the following s?mple and appropriate inscriptions: "ARav o?' No? Vmen?, Lo?m? Dr?moN," and" M?t?ss?s ?o AP?o?rox, 1861 ?o 1865." The statue itself is sight feet nine inches high, and the remark of an old soldier present, as the veil was drawn aside, but echoed the uni- Digitized by Goole