Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 09.djvu/56

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Editorial Paragraphs.
Editorial Paragraphs
Editorial Paragraphs

Renewals have been coming in with some degree of briskness, especially considering the delay in getting out our last number, of volume viii, and the disarrangement of the mails consequent upon the fearful weather we have had. But many of our subscribers have not yet attended to this important matter, and we beg that they will do so at once. We must pay cash for our printing and meet other expenses promptly, and we are compelled, therefore, to adhere to our terms, which are strictly cash in advance. Where our friends notify us that they desire to continue their subscriptions, and will send the money at their early convenience we continue to send the Papers; but when we hear nothing from the subscriber we are reluctantly constrained to enforce our rule. Many of our subscribers, therefore (and some of them our best friends), will not receive this number until they attend to the small formality of forwarding $3 to "these Head-quarters," or notify us that they will do so soon. Please ask your neighbor if he has received his January number, and if he has not tell him about this paragraph.

The delay in getting out our last number has necessarily caused delay in this number; but we hope before long to get back to our former custom of issuing the number for each month not later than the 20th of the month before.

Volume viii has been bound. We have a few copies on hand, which we can supply at once, and we should be glad to have prompt orders.

Colonel C. C. Flowerree, of the Seventh Virginia Infantry, was one of the most brilliant young officers in the Army of Northern Virginia, and we share the regret of our gallant friend, General M. D. Corse, that in printing his report of the operations of Kemper's brigade, at Second Manassas (page 538, volume viii), in our last number, we should have allowed the name to be corrupted into Florence.[1]

Colonel Ed. A. Palfrey, of New Orleans, informs us that he was not the author of the article on "The Secret History of Gettysburg," with which we credited him in our last, but that it was written by Captain W. J. Seymour, who served on General Hays's staff—the only connection Colonel Palfrey having with it being to furnish copies of the letters of Generals Lee and Cooper.[2]

We regret that we were led into this mistake by the friend who sent us the paper. We are always careful to have a responsible name attached to everything we publish, and this is the first instance in which we have gotten the wrong name.

Major Irving A. Buck, of Baltimore, the name signed to the paper, and not Major Brock, the name which the printers put at the head of it, was the author

  1. Corrected on p. 540 in that volume. (Wikisource contributor note)
  2. Corrected on pp. iii & 521 in that volume. (Wikisource contributor note)