Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/239

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Battle of Drewri/s Bluff. 229

superior numbers and strong entrenchments they were not able to drive them entirely from their positions.

The commanding General will recollect that I before stated that the strength of the enemy was in front of these two brigades, both irt position and forces, and therefore great credit should be given them for their actions. They were both small commands, but did their duty well. At the time the attack was made the enemy felt as if our forces were coming on them from all sides, and commenced retreat- ing hastily. The losses of these commands were necessarily heavy, owing to a front attack.

I cannot refrain from calling the attention of the General com- manding to the fact that his desire to relieve my command of a front attack by the flank move was in no portion of the line accomplished, in consequence of which my losses were very heavy.

My brigade commanders entered into the move with spirit, and rendered every co-operation, for which I am under many obligations. A report of casualties has been furnished. I respectfully call atten- tion to the names who are spoken of for gallantry mentioned in the enclosed reports of the brigade commanders.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

[Signed] R. F. Hoke,

Major- General. Captain J. M. Otey, A. A. General.

report of general johnson hagood.

Headquarters Hagood's Brigade, South Carolina Volunteers,

May 22d, 1864. Captain Adams, Acting Adjutant- General:

Captain, — I am directed to submit a report of the part taken by my brigade in the battle of Brewry's Bluff, of the i6th instant. My command occupied the left of our second or intermediate line, embracing Fort Stephens, and with its right on the turnpike. The enemy occupied our exterior line of breastworks, which had been previously abandoned, supported by a battery of five pieces where the turnpike crosses these works, with skirmishers well thrown out towards us. They had also constructed a second line of works in rear of this, at some two hundred yards distance, and had entangled the abattis between the two lines with wire.
