Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/313

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General Thomas J. Jackson.


not cheer, and as he rode along the line every man had his hat off, waving it in the air, along the whole great column of soldiers, cheer- ing Jackson by this enthusiastic but silent salute. Tuesday night we struck Bristow station, just this side of Manassas Junction, captured and destroyed four or five trains of cars, and that night Stuart, with some cavalry and infantry, took Manassas Junction.

"All day Wednesday we fought the advance of Pope's army, Ewell doing most of the work.

" Thursday we took -our position between Manassas Junction and Thoroughfare Gap and terrific fighting occurred.

"On the morning of Friday we resisted the advance of Pope's immense army, and late Friday afternoon Longstreet got up and joined in the fight. He took four days to come over a way that we had opened for him in two.

" I never shall forget Jackson's anxiety that Longstreet should get up. Late Thursday night I rode with him a mile or two in the rear of our line of battle towards Thoroughfare Gap. I saw him get down off his horse and put his ear to the ground to listen if he could hear Longstreet' s column advancing. I never shall forget the sad look of the man that night as he gazed towards Thoroughfare Gap, wish- ing for Longstreet to come. That night I told him of the number of killed intimate personal friends of ours of Baylor and Nerfand Botts, and I added presently: ' We have only won this day by hard fighting.' He was full of emotion when he turned around to me and said: 'No, sir, we have won this day by the blessing of Almighty God.' "


" I would like to hear your story of how Jackson got the name of " Stonewall," said the reporter.

" The Stonewall brigade arrived at Manassas Junction late in the evening of July 20, 1861," replied the Doctor. " We got there after dark, camped alongside the road, and next morning at daylight started to march in the direction of the sound of the firing. When Jackson and his brigade arrived very near the field of battle he met Bee's brigade coming back in great disorder. The men had evi- dently been badly whipped. Jackson carried his men on through these disorganized troops and formed it in line of battle upon the hill. He had been there but a few minutes when a violent attack was made upon him by the Federals. Bee, in encouraging his troops to reform and go back to the battle-field, cried out : ' There stands